With each passing day at Moto Hope, we strive to find and incorporate more ways that will ensure that we educate, mentor, and nurture the whole child!
On the afternoon of Sunday, January 26th, our resident mentors facilitated very engaging “Boy Talk” and “Girl Talk” Mentorship sessions for our boys and girls respectively.
Among other important matters that affect our learners in their growth and life generally, the topics covered included Growth and its joys and challenges, dealing with a myriad of emotions, conflict resolution, personal Hygiene, Menstrual Health, and Hygiene, etc.
We are ever so proud of the fact that we have successfully created a safe space for our children to express their views, share their experiences, question, and seek clarity on issues that they have to deal with.
We endeavor to be better and do better for every child under our care, to reach out, to empower!