Tel: 0722 269275, 0718 135056

News and Events

After HalfT 5Schools in Kenya re-opened starting Thursday the 18th of August following a nationwide two-week break to allow for the country's general elections. The Education Cabinet Secretary had ordered schools closed on August 2, 2022, as the country prepared for the August 9 General Election.

OpngWeek 3Last week (11th - 17th July), the Academy was characterized by the happy faces of our children, as they reported back, and settled into the school routine.

T1CloDay 1What excitement we are all in as the first term of Academic Year 2022 comes to an end.

ScoutsOnce again, we have reasons to celebrate! Our scouts made us proud at the recently concluded Nakuru County Scouts Competitions!

ThGi 41What shall we offer to our God for all He has done, keeps doing, and promises to do for us? God has done so much for us and our gratitude goes up to him in praise and thanksgiving.

PS1The children did amazingly at this Sunday's (5/6/2022) Public Speaking event popularly known as "Once Upon a Time" Mentorship. They confidently spoke, asked and answered questions, corrected, and learned from each other.

Writing Mentorship 1The afternoon of Sunday the 15th saw our candidates actively engaged in a writing mentorship, aka "Short story Hours" with our resident mentor at the Academy's Library.

T1Opening 5It is Back to School week and the Academy has been abuzz with excitement! We have so far welcomed 36 new students even as more sit for interviews.

clebrations KCPE 1Congratulations to our Class of 2021 on their exemplary performance in the 2021 KCPE Examinations! We are super proud of them!

ClosingT3 6We are quite excited to come to the end of the final term of the 2021 Academic Year. Glory to God!

21Gradtn 115We are grateful to God and super proud of our PP2 Class of 2021! We congratulate them on their graduation to Grade 1 and wish them a great academic journey ahead!

Tel: 0722 269275, 0718 135056 Email: